Living with psoriasis is not easy. For many, it is a complicated way of life with continual struggles. If you’re also struggling with this skin condition and have not yet found the right way to get rid of psoriasis, read on to know how to best manage this skin condition.

- Causes of Psoriasis
- Symptoms of Psoriasis
- Prevention of Psoriasis Flare-ups
- Home Treatment for Psoriasis
- Tips:
Causes of Psoriasis
- Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic skin condition that is considered to be related to adverse immune reaction in which white blood cells, known as T cells, attack healthy cells of the body. This is followed by further immune responses that include overproduction of healthy skin cells and other T cells.
- This cycle results in the new skin cells being pushed to the surface too fast – within days instead of within weeks. As the body is unable to slough off and shed this fast accumulating build-up, it results in the formation of psoriasis patches on the skin.
- Genetic markers can make you susceptible to psoriasis. Environmental factors can act as a trigger to start or worsen psoriasis.
- Infections such as strep throat infection or skin infection and trauma to the skin like a cut, bug bite, sunburn or allergic reaction are common triggers for psoriasis. Stress and certain medications such as high-blood-pressure drugs, anti-malarial drugs, iodides, and lithium can also act as triggers.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
- Symptoms vary from person to person, but psoriasis is often marked by red patches of skin covered with silvery scales, which can become sore with burning and itching. The skin becomes dry and cracked and is susceptible to bleeding.
- Plaque psoriasis can affect any part of the skin including genitals. Psoriasis can also affect scalp, nails, and armpits. In fingernails, it is marked by thickened, pitted, or ridged nails.
- Psoriases symptoms along with swollen and stiff joints may be an indication of psoriatic arthritis.
Prevention of Psoriasis Flare-ups
- Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption to keep psoriasis at bay or keep its symptoms under control. Alcohol can also be dangerous if you’re on medical prescriptions for psoriasis.
- Mild sunbathing for 10 to 15 minutes during early morning hours or in the time before sunset is also considered beneficial. If you have questions regarding sun exposure, consult your dermatologist.
- When psoriasis progresses beyond the stage of inconvenience and starts affecting routine tasks or if you experience the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, you should consult a doctor. You’ll need to work with your dermatologist to establish a treatment plan that suits you.
Home Treatment for Psoriasis
Dealing with psoriasis can be taxing, but some natural remedies can help you do it without any adverse side effects that most of the prescribed psoriasis medications have. Join a support group to help you deal with the situation and keep stress out of the picture.
From the given remedies to get rid of psoriasis, find the ones that suit you the best.
Method 1: Use Apple Cider Vinegar
When it comes to psoriasis, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that can provide immense relief in itching and help heal the psoriasis patch on the skin when applied topically. Its exfoliating properties can eliminate the flakes, revealing smooth and healthy skin underneath.
Consuming apple cider vinegar flushes toxins out of the body and increases the pH levels of the body, which have a healing effect on the psoriasis-afflicted skin. It also helps in losing weight, decreasing your body's chances of inflammation.
# Vinegar Drink
Single-Step Treatment: Consume a vinegar drink

- Pour 1 tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar into 1 cup of warm water.
- Stir well to mix the vinegar into the water.
- Consume this apple cider vinegar drink 2 to 3 times a day, half an hour before the meals.
- You might start observing noticeable results within a couple of days. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need to continue this medication for a couple of weeks or more to heal the lesions completely.
# Topical Application
Step 1. Dilute the vinegar

- Pour some raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a small bowl.
- Add an equal amount of water to dilute the vinegar.
Step 2. Apply diluted vinegar on the affected skin

- Apply the diluted vinegar over the psoriasis patches on the skin with a sterile cotton ball or cloth.
- Repeat the application at least twice a day. You may resort to several applications a day.
- You may notice a significant improvement from the first week of application. Continue with the applications till the lesions heal completely.
Method 2: Use Turmeric
Turmeric has long been used to speed up healing of the wounds. It inhibits the inflammatory enzymes that have been linked to the inflammation in psoriasis. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it effective as arthritis treatment as well.
Turmeric helps with skin regeneration, and its anti-oxidant properties prevent free radical damage to the skin. Its antiseptic properties prevent infection in the psoriasis patches.
Circumin, an active ingredient present in turmeric, has a therapeutic effect in case of autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis. It acts as an immuno suppressant and can serve as an alternative to steroid medications.
# Turmeric Tea
Things you’ll need:
- Water – 2 cup
- Turmeric powder – 1 teaspoon (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing)
- Honey – 1 teaspoon (antioxidant properties)
Step 1. Boil turmeric powder in water

- Pour 2 cups of water into a pan placed on an oven/induction cooker.
- Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to it.
- Bring the ingredients to a boil, cover the pan and let it simmer at low heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
Step 2. Strain and add honey

- Strain the turmeric tea into a cup.
- Add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to it. Besides improving the taste of the tea, honey will also add to the benefits.
- Stir well to dissolve the honey into the tea.
Step 3. Consume turmeric tea

- Consume this turmeric tea once a day for at least a couple of months to get rid of psoriasis. You may experience relief in symptoms within just a week.
Note: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid consuming turmeric tea as turmeric may stimulate menstruation in pregnant women. When consumed in medicinal amounts, it can also interfere with diabetes medication and blood thinners.
# Topical Salve
Step 1. Cook turmeric powder in a pan with some water

- Put some turmeric powder into a pan placed over heat.
- Pour water (double the amount) into the pan and stir to make a paste.
- Cook the turmeric paste for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Step 2. Store in an air-tight jar and use as a salve for psoriasis

- Take the pan off the heat and spoon the contents into an air-tight jar.
- Apply the salve over the affected skin before going to bed. To avoid staining, cover the salve with mesh gauze and bandage.
- You can also repeat the application through the day, keeping the salve over the affected skin for up to a couple of hours.
- When stored into an air-tight jar and refrigerated, the salve stays for 1 to 2 weeks. When refrigerated, it should stay for about a month. Let the salve adapt room temperature before application.
Method 3: Use Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has numerous applications when it comes to maintaining healthy skin. It is the one ingredient solution to the dryness in the flaky, itchy psoriasis plaques, especially with scalp psoriasis. Being light, coconut oil gets readily absorbed and helps keep the area hydrated and moisturized.
Owing to its mild antibacterial properties, coconut oil also prevents the affected skin from becoming infected. You can use coconut oil as a moisturizing complimentary therapy to topical medications for psoriasis, which can often be drying.
Step 1. Melt coconut oil

- Place a pan filled with water over heat.
- Put a few flat stones in it and place a small bowl of coconut oil over the stones.
- Allow the coconut oil to melt with the heat.
Step 2. Apply coconut oil over the affected area

- Apply a small amount of the coconut oil to the affected areas of the skin with a sterile cotton ball and discard the cotton ball after use.
- Let the coconut oil remain over the affected area as long as you want to.
- Repeat the applications 3 to 4 times a day for a few months to get significant results.
Method 4: Use Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a natural remedy for a host of skin conditions ranging from simple back acne to eczema. It can also be used to soothe and heal psoriasis-affected skin. Aloe vera boosts collagen cross-linking and promotes skin regeneration to speed up the healing process.
Aloe vera hydrates and moisturizes the dry and flaky psoriasis plaques and curbs the itching, redness, pain, and inflammation in the affected skin area. It also contains salicylic acid, making it especially beneficial for scalp psoriasis.
Combining aloe vera gel with some lavender essential oil makes for a great psoriasis remedy. Stress is the most common trigger for psoriasis among the masses, and the calming effects of lavender oil can be beneficial in such condition.
Things you’ll need:
- Fresh aloe vera gel (anti-inflammatory, humectant, healing, and skin-regenerating agent) – 1 tablespoon
- Lavender essential oil (soothing, fights stress) – 4 to 5 drops
Step 1. Mix lavender oil into aloe vera gel

- Add 4 to 5 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel.
- Stir well to mix the ingredients.
Step 2. Apply the blend over the affected skin

- Apply the blend over psoriasis-affected skin with a sterile cotton ball and discard the cotton ball after use.
- Repeat the applications several times a day for at least a couple of months to observe a noticeable relief in psoriasis.
Method 5: Use Cilantro
Barring the population that can’t stand the taste of cilantro, this fragrant herb is a great way to cool down the inflammation in psoriasis plaques. Cilantro has cooling properties, can aid digestion, and rid your body of the toxins that may act as a trigger for psoriasis.
While there has not been any scientific research to prove the efficiency of cilantro, there are plenty of anecdotal accounts to back the claim. At any rate, it is of low risk and is a cost-efficient remedy that you can easily follow without any repercussions.
The only downside is that some people may find the taste of cilantro bitter, soapy, and unpalatable. Cilantro or coriander leaf is easy to use as a remedy to get rid of psoriasis. Only fresh cilantro leaves should be used, dried leaves or capsules are not known to be as effective.
Single-Step Treatment: Consume fresh cilantro daily

- Consume a bundle of cilantro each day for 10 to 15 days continuously. You can add it to salads, soups, dressings, and smoothies. You can also munch it raw but that may develop a distaste for the herb.
- You can also apply fresh cilantro paste over psoriasis-affected skin to soothe the inflamed patches.
Method 6: Use Glycerin
Glycerin is one of the best humectants that can keep normal skin hydrated for up to 2 weeks after application, making it the perfect remedy for dry skin ailments such as psoriasis. It can absorb copious amounts of water and keep the moisture locked into the skin tissues.
Glycerin aids the skin's natural exfoliating process and helps remove the flakes from psoriasis plaques. It also softens and lubricates the skin, keeping it moisturized. Diluting glycerin makes it easy to apply as pure glycerin can be quite thick and viscous.
Step 1. Dilute glycerin with water

- Pour 2 tablespoons of glycerin into a small bowl.
- Add an equal amount of water to it.
- Stir well to dissolve the glycerin in water.
Step 2. Apply diluted glycerin over the affected area

- Apply a small amount of diluted glycerin on psoriasis plaques with a sterile cotton ball.
- Take care not to saturate the affected skin and discard the cotton ball after use.
- Repeat the applications several times a day as required for at least a month or two to observe significant improvement in psoriasis.
Method 7: Use Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the most beneficial essential oils that can be used in the treatment of psoriasis, especially psoriasis on the scalp. The best way to use tea tree oil to get rid of psoriasis is to dilute it with coconut oil, which is itself helpful in the treatment of psoriasis. This oil blend can also be used to get rid of dandruff.
The volatile oils present in the tea tree oil give it strong fungicidal, bactericidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. This helps reduce the redness, itching, burning, and pain in psoriasis patches. Tea tree oil also sloughs off the flaky skin of the psoriasis patches and speeds up the healing process.
Things you’ll need:
- Coconut oil – 2 to 3 tablespoons (hydrates and moisturizes)
- Tea tree essential oil – 15 drops (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and speeds up healing)
Step 1. Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil

- Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil into a small bowl.
- Add about 15 drops of tea tree essential oil to it and mix well.
Step 2. Apply the oil blend over the affected skin

- Dip a sterile cotton ball into the oil blend and apply a small amount over the affected skin.
- Repeat the applications twice a day for a few months for effective treatment of psoriasis. You’ll start noticing the difference in your psoriasis patches within a week or two during application.
Method 8: Diet Fixes

Being overweight increases your body’s chances of inflammation, so consider keeping a healthy body weight as a positive step toward managing psoriasis. Keeping a healthy body weight involves eating right along with mild exercise. Here are some simple dos and don’ts when it comes to a diet for psoriasis.
- Omega-3 fatty acids can help you fight inflammation and also help with an overactive immune system that may be responsible for the flare-up of your psoriasis. Fish and seafood are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Include salmon, sardines, or mackerel in your diet at least twice a week.
- Grains and legumes have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and also contain fibers. Consume whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice, cereal, and oatmeal. If you can digest legumes without any problems, including beans and lentils in your diet is also a good idea.
- Avoid red meat at all costs. You may go for lean meat instead as it is much healthier.
- Avoid fried foods and trans-fats as they contribute to inflammation that can increase the severity of your skin condition. Substitute it with good fats in the form of nuts and avocados.
- Steer clear of tomatoes and citruses as they may aggravate psoriasis. Eliminate citruses such as lemons, limes, and oranges from your diet and observe the effect on the condition of your skin.
- Avoid processed sugars when trying to get rid of psoriasis as they are known to increase inflammation in the body.
- Avoid consuming foods that you’re allergic to like dairy and gluten.
- Never consume undiluted apple cider vinegar as it may erode tooth enamel, causing significant damage over time.
- If the apple cider vinegar stings on topical application dilute it further before using. If the stinging becomes persistent, discontinue usage.
- Instead of plain water, you can also use natural rose water to dilute glycerin.
- Avoid frequent hot baths and harsh soaps as these can dry and irritate the skin. A daily shower or bath with lukewarm water followed by an effective moisturizer should be the way to go.
- You may also benefit from Epsom salt bath with lukewarm water or sea water bath.
Wow very informative. As I’m a fellow psoriasis sufferer,there are many treatments now I can try. I have psoriasis on my scalp abs only on my scalp. It’s severe and I have very thick patches all over my scalp. I useT Gel but it’s not working. It’s making my life miserable
It’s starting to come onto my vagina aswell. So I will be trying the remedies I’ve just read.
Hi my son suffers from psoriasis from the age of 2 I tried everything he is eight now 2016 I found the solution with help of Ayurveda doctor mainly keep your gut healthy no junks no processed food no fried food no tamarind and citric and no dairy it’s very bad so vegan diet and no alcohol avoid eggplant or obergine the purple vegetable.
Hope you feel better
Follow this and you will be better
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I can attest that apple cider vinegar when applied directly to the skin stops the deep, incessant and unrelievable itch immediately. It also helps with the healing. It can be diluted with some aloe Vera juice and black seed oil if you need some moisturizer as well. I put the solution in a spray or an eye dropper bottle for easy application. Once dried there is little or no smell.
I have started the cilantro to see if it helps. It doesn’t tastes bad. I blend 1/2 of a bunch in a smoothie. Too soon to report any results.
Hey there,
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us.
Hope these natural remedies give you complete relief.
I have a question. So my mom put lemon on my scalp (i have psoriasis on scalp, chest, arms, legs, back and my private area.) and it hurt a lot like i felt my scalp burning/melting. I dont know if that should happen like is that normal? And also is it okay if i put lemon on my body too?
Hi Kyu
We are so sorry about your condition. Applying lemon on psoriasis is not something we suggest.
Please consult your healthcare provider if the burning continues, as lemon may have worsened the condition.