While frozen yogurt is a craze these days, did you know that plain, unsweetened yogurt is ten times better for your health and can also be used for medicinal purposes?
A 2014 article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on yogurt consumption and its impact on cardiovascular health in children established yogurt as having high nutrient density. (13)
According to the study:
- Yogurt is rich in essential macronutrients such as natural milk proteins, fatty acids, and lactose.
- It contains essential micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamins B-5 and B-12, and riboflavin.
- Yogurt also contains live Lactobacillus and streptococcus bacteria that work to boost digestion and your body’s metabolism by modulating your gut microbiota.
Additionally, these two strands of bacteria also produce lactic acid during the fermentation process via which milk is transformed into yogurt; in turn, lactic acid creates an acidic environment in which disease-causing bacteria are unable to survive.

Always opt for plain or Greek yogurt over the flavored varieties as the added flavor and sugar undermine the beneficial aspects of yogurt, retracting from its medicinal value as a natural remedy.
- Ways to Use Yogurt to Fight Yeast Infection and Other Health Issues
- Method 1: Weight Loss
- Method 2: Yeast Infection
- Method 3: Digestion
- Method 4: Vaginal Odor
- Method 5: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Method 6: Constipation
- Method 7: Perioral Dermatitis
- Method 8: Food Poisoning
- Method 9: Oral Thrush
- Method 10: Diverticular Disease
- Method 11: Ulcerative Colitis
- Method 12: Diarrhea
- Method 13: Canker Sores
- Method 14: Keratosis Pilaris
- Tips to keep in mind
Ways to Use Yogurt to Fight Yeast Infection and Other Health Issues
So, continue reading to discover the top 14 ways in which you can use yogurt for health problems.
Method 1: Weight Loss
If you are planning to lose weight, then yogurt can be your best friend in this endeavor. It contains beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and help boost your metabolism, thereby, helping you to absorb your food better and burn off the excess calories. (9)
It further contains amino acids that help burn fat and calcium that lowers cortisol production, which helps you to burn fat faster.
So, whenever you crave any fatty or junk foods, just have a bowl of low-fat, unsweetened yogurt instead.
Single-Step Treatment: Eat low-fat yogurt to lose weight

- Have low-fat yogurt with fruits or berries, instead of junk food and sugary or fried snacks to lose weight.
You can consume yogurt regularly to prevent obesity and other health problems.
Method 2: Yeast Infection
Plain yogurt is full of beneficial lactobacillus and streptococcus bacteria that can help you to get rid of a major yeast infection. Make sure that you go for the sugar-free variety as most of the commercially available flavored yogurts are loaded with sugar that can undermine your attempts to get rid of the infection. (3)
You can both consume and apply yogurt to successfully treat a yeast infection.
Single-Step Treatment: Consume and apply plain yogurt to get rid of a yeast infection

- Eat plain yogurt three times a day to eliminate the yeast infections; you can add fruits, nuts, and granola to make it flavorful.
- Along with consuming yogurt, you can also apply plain, unsweetened yogurt on the affected area.
- Leave it to dry for about 30 minutes or overnight, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat daily till the infection is completely gone, this shows you another way to use yogurt for health problems.
Method 3: Digestion
Probiotic yogurt helps boost the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut, thereby, promoting good gut health and aiding in easier and proper digestion of food. (6)
Single-Step Treatment: Consume a bowl of yogurt with your meals for better digestion

- Consume a small bowl of yogurt daily with each meal for proper digestion and to boost your gastrointestinal health.
Method 4: Vaginal Odor
Plain yogurt is full of probiotic bacteria that help restore pH balance in the vaginal area and consequently get rid of vaginal odor. (7)
Single-Step Treatment: Use yogurt both internally and externally to eliminate vaginal odor

- Using clean fingers scoop up some plain yogurt and apply to your vaginal area.
- Leave it for 2 to 3 hours; afterward, rinse your vaginal area with lukewarm water.
- Repeat 2 to 3 times a day to get rid of vaginal odor.
- You can also wear maxi pads or panty liners to avoid an embarrassing situation as the yogurt spills out.
- Alternatively, you can also apply yogurt at night and then wash it with lukewarm water in the morning.
- You can also dip a tampon in some plain yogurt and insert it into your vagina and leave it overnight; remove the tampon and wash the area with lukewarm water in the morning.
- You can also consume yogurt daily to boost the beneficial bacteria in your body and eliminate vaginal odor.
You will notice a significant change after 2 to 3 days; however, continue with this treatment for at least 7 days to eliminate vaginal odor and its cause.
Method 5: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS can be a particularly debilitating disease as it disrupts your digestive system for long periods causing extreme pain and costing you dearly in terms of health.
IBS causes frequent flare-ups in the digestive tract, which may involve bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and pain. While it is a life-long condition, its symptoms can be improved with care.
Probiotic yogurt is one of the most effective remedies for IBS as it helps to improve gut flora to give you a healthy digestive system. (2) (12)
Single-Step Treatment: Eat yogurt every day to keep IBS in check

- Eat a bowl of probiotic yogurt with your lunch and dinner for proper digestion and to keep IBS symptoms under control.
- Eat a bowl of yogurt for breakfast as well; you can add fruits, berries, chopped nuts, and even granola to enjoy a healthy and hearty breakfast. Avoid adding citrus fruits.
You will notice a significant reduction in IBS symptoms after 1 week; continue having probiotic yogurt on a long-term basis to improve gastrointestinal health.
Method 6: Constipation
As mentioned before, yogurt drastically improves your gut flora and ensures smooth functioning of the digestive system. Additionally, it also comes to the rescue whenever you are suffering from constipation as it works to keep the gut lining healthy and prevents the buildup of digested material. (11)
Single-Step Treatment: Consume 1 to 3 cups of yogurt daily to get relief from constipation

- Consume 1 to 3 cups of plain yogurt daily for 2 to 3 days; have a bowl with each meal, that is, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to regulate your bowel movements.
Ideally, you should try to consume yogurt regularly to prevent constipation, gas and bloating.
Method 7: Perioral Dermatitis
Excessive use of commercial creams and makeup products can cause an allergic skin reaction, i.e., perioral dermatitis, which is often characterized by angry-looking red rashes or bumps all over your face, especially around your mouth.
You can use plain yogurt in a variety of ways to treat perioral dermatitis as it helps heal and soothe the irritated skin or rash. (5)
# Plain Yogurt
Single-Step Treatment: Apply yogurt directly on the affected area

- Simply apply plain yogurt over the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Afterward, wash it off with cool or lukewarm water.
Repeat twice daily till the rash is completely gone.
# Yogurt with Oil
Things you’ll need:
- Plain yogurt (soothes irritated skin) – 2 teaspoons
- Olive oil (soothes and moisturizes the skin) – 1 teaspoon
Single-Step Treatment: Mix plain yogurt with olive oil for application

- Take 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt in a small mixing bowl.
- Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to it.
- Mix well and apply over the affected skin.
- Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes to soothe and moisturize the irritated skin.
- Afterward, wash it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat twice daily till the skin has completely cleared up.
# Yogurt with Turmeric
Things you’ll need:
- Plain yogurt (soothes skin) – 2 teaspoons
- Turmeric powder (antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory) – ½ teaspoon
Step 1. Combine plain yogurt and turmeric powder

- Take 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt in a small bowl.
- Add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. (10)
- Mix well.
Step 2. Apply daily to treat and cure perioral dermatitis

- Apply the yogurt-turmeric mask on the affected skin area or rashes; leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Afterward, wash it off with cool or lukewarm water.
Repeat twice daily till the rash is completely gone.
Method 8: Food Poisoning
Probiotic yogurt is full of beneficial bacteria that come to the rescue whenever you are suffering from any form of digestive distress, including a case of severe food poisoning. (4)
Single-Step Treatment: Consume probiotic yogurt to get relief from food poisoning

- Consume 1 cup of probiotic yogurt every 4 to 5 hours to relief from the symptoms of food poisoning such as cramps and diarrhea.
Continue for at least 2 to 3 days to make the symptoms disappear and for at least one week, to let your digestive system recover completely.
Method 9: Oral Thrush
Oral thrush or oral candidiasis is a yeast infection caused by the overgrowth of the candida albicans fungus that often presents itself in the form of a lumpy white coating on your tongue or white patches in your mouth.
It is here that yogurt once again proves its medicinal value, as it contains lactobacillus and streptococcus bacteria that fight the candida fungus and strengthen your immune system, enabling it to fight the infection. (3)
Single-Step Treatment: Apply plain yogurt on the affected areas

- Use clean fingers to scoop out plain, unsweetened yogurt, and apply it on the affected areas.
- Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly to ensure you spit it all out.
- Eat 1 to 3 cups of yogurt daily to strengthen your immune system.
Apply yogurt twice daily for at least 1 to 2 weeks to get rid of oral thrush.
Method 10: Diverticular Disease
Diverticular disease refers to the condition in which small sacs or pockets develop in the intestinal tract, especially in the lower intestine and colon. (8) These sacs often develop with age, particularly after the age of 40. If infected, they can cause severe abdominal pain accompanied by fever and blood in your stool because of internal bleeding.
As one of the main causes of diverticular disease is long-term constipation, yogurt can be of great help in alleviating this condition.
Single-Step Treatment: Consume yogurt daily to manage diverticular disease

- Consume 1 bowl of yogurt three times a day with every meal.
Make yogurt a part of your regular diet to manage diverticulosis and to prevent it from developing into diverticulitis. (1)
Method 11: Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and sores in the lining of the colon and rectum and is often accompanied by belly cramps, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.
It occurs either because of an abnormal response of the body’s immune system to regular intestinal bacteria or because of the presence of harmful bacteria and viruses in the gastrointestinal tract.
As probiotic yogurt is full of beneficial bacteria, it can help regulate your gut flora by boosting the level of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system to counter this disease.
Single-Step Treatment: Consume yogurt to boost intestinal health

- You cannot cure this condition, but you can take steps to control and manage its symptoms by making yogurt a part of your regular diet.
- Consume plain yogurt containing beneficial live cultures three times a day; have an entire bowl with each meal to improve gut flora and gastrointestinal health.
Consume yogurt on a long-term basis to keep symptoms of ulcerative colitis in check.
Method 12: Diarrhea
Plain, unsweetened yogurt is a great natural remedy for diarrhea as it not only contains beneficial bacteria that improve your gut flora, but also lactic acid that works to eliminate diarrhea-causing pathogens from your digestive system.
Single-Step Treatment: Consume plain, unsweetened probiotic yogurt to get relief from diarrhea

- Consume 1 cup of probiotic yogurt every 4 hours to get relief from diarrhea.
Do this for at least 2 days to get rid of diarrhea and for at least 7 days to restore your digestive system completely.
Method 13: Canker Sores
Canker sores refer to small and shallow lesions that often occur on the soft tissues of the mouth and throat. While they normally clear in 1 to 2 weeks, they can be especially painful at mealtimes causing a burning or stinging sensation upon coming into contact with food.
Yogurt is especially effective for treating recurring canker sores as it helps balance the amount of healthy bacteria in your mouth and also soothes the irritated sores.
Single-Step Treatment: Use yogurt to treat canker sores

- Using clean fingers or a spoon, apply plain yogurt on the canker sores three times a day; leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
- Also, have 1 small bowl of yogurt three times a day with your meal for at least 1 week to get rid of canker sores.
Method 14: Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis pilaris is a dermatological condition that causes tiny-colored bumps to appear on your skin due to the buildup of keratin in your skin cells. People with dry skin or those suffering from skin conditions such as eczema are more commonly affected.
While it is a comparatively harmless condition, it does later affect your skin for the worse, and that’s why we recommend that you use yogurt to treat it.
Yogurt contains lactic acid that acts as a gentle exfoliant and removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin clear and smooth.
Single-Step Treatment: Apply yogurt to get rid of keratosis pilaris

- Apply plain yogurt on the affected areas, and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Wash it off with a gentle cleanser or soap.
Repeat once daily till your skin clears up; this represents another highly effective way to use yogurt for health problems.
Tips to keep in mind
- You can also apply yogurt to treat dandruff; simply wet your hair and apply plain yogurt on your scalp. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it out with water.
- You can mix 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt with ½ teaspoon each of lemon juice, raw honey, and turmeric powder to make a face mask to lighten skin.
- You can also use yogurt to get rid of itchy skin in dogs. Just feed your dog a small bowl of plain, unsweetened yogurt daily to get rid of itchy skin within a week.
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