Who among us hasn’t sat down at our computer and pounded away on the keys with dirty fingers or hands, or eaten while using the computer and accidentally dropped a crumb into the keyboard or, worse yet, spilled your plate of food or beverage all over it!

Even when you are not at your computer, your keyboard collects dust just like any other open surface in your home or office. And people who smoke often have smoke residue accumulated on and underneath the keys.


cleaning the keyboard with dry dusting cloth

Now here’s a scary thought: Some keyboards can be dirtier than an average toilet seat. That was the conclusion of a 2008 study by the U.K.'s Royal Society of Chemistry, which pointed out that a dirty keyboard can be a breeding ground for germs that cause health problems.

Fortunately, it’s easy to thoroughly clean your dirty desktop keyboard using one of the methods below, based on how dirty it is. However, it’s best to have laptop keyboards cleaned by an expert.

Steps to Clean a Desktop Keyboard

A- Basic cleaning method

Things you’ll need:


  • Some old newspapers
  • A soft-bristled dusting brush
  • Few cotton swabs and toothpicks
  • A lint-free cloth and a soft dusting cloth
  • A tweezer
  • A thin, flat tool like a butter knife or waxing knife
  • A bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol (do not use ethyl-based rubbing alcohol)

Step 1. Shut down the computer

step 1 to clean a keyboard

Before you start cleaning, shut down your computer.

step 2 to clean a keyboard

Unplug the keyboard. This prevents the possibility of electrical damage to your keyboard and electrical shock to yourself.

Step 2. Turn the keyboard upside down and tap

step 3 -keyboard cleaning

Cover your desk or tabletop with an old newspaper to collect all the debris from the cleaning process. Then, turn the keyboard upside down and tap it gently with your hand.


dirt from keyboard

Tapping the keyboard will help release any loose debris and crumbs.

Step 3. Use a brush to remove dust on the surface of the keyboard

brushing to clean the keyboard

Use a soft-bristled brush to remove dust accumulated on the top surface of your keyboard.


Step 4. Dip a brush in rubbing alcohol and wipe the keys

rubbing alcohol for keyboard cleaning

Pour a little isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in a bowl.

dip brush in rubbing alcohol

Dip the brush in the bowl.

cleaning keys with brush

Gently wipe the keys as well as the sides and bottom of the keyboard.


Step 5. Clean between the keys using a cotton swab

dip cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol

To clean between the keys, dip a cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol and gently glide it in between the keys.

keyboard dirt in cotton swab

If the swab gets dirty before you’re done, grab a clean one to finish up.

Step 6. Use a waxing knife to deep clean between the keys

cloth wrapped on waxing knife

Wrap the lint-free cloth on the waxing knife, dip it in the rubbing alcohol and use it to clean any areas that could not be reached with the brush or cotton swabs.

keyboard dirt caught using waxing knife and cloth

Step 7. Use a toothpick to clean the buttons

using toothpick to clean the dust

using tweezer to clean the dust

To clean the dust accumulated on the outline of the buttons, use a toothpick or tweezers.

Step 8. Clean the keyboard with a dry cloth

cleaning the keyboard with dry dusting cloth

Finally, clean the whole keyboard with a dry dusting cloth. Do not plug in the keyboard for a few hours.

B - Extensive cleaning method

If your keyboard is very dirty, you’ll need to clean it extensively.


Things you’ll need:


  • Some old newspapers
  • A flat-head screwdriver or knife to remove the keys
  • Two bowls of water (one for mixing liquid detergent and the other one for cleaning the soapy residue)
  • Few drops of mild liquid detergent
  • A soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Dusting brush
  • A small, hand-held vacuum cleaner
  • A dusting cloth and lint-free cloth
  • A few cotton swabs and toothpicks
  • A bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol (do not use ethyl-based rubbing alcohol)

Step 1. Remove the keycaps using a knife

knife to take out keyboard keys

Using a flat-head screwdriver or knife, gently remove the individual keycaps off.

Step 2. Prepare a liquid soap solution

liquid detergent to clean keyboard

Mix a few drops of mild liquid detergent in a bowl of lukewarm water.

mixing liquid detergent

Thoroughly mix the water and detergent solution together.

Step 3. Put the keycaps in the solution and clean them

dirty keycaps in the solution

Put the dirty keycaps in this solution.

cleaning keycaps with brush

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean each one. Do it gently so that you don’t rub off the letters on the keycaps.

Step 4. Rinse the keycaps in clean water

Rinse the keycaps

Rinse the keycaps in clean water to remove the soapy residue.

Rinsing the keycaps

Step 5. Pat dry the keys with a dry towel

dry the clean keys with a towel

Pat dry the clean keys with a towel.

dry the clean keys with a towel

Place them in a sunny place to dry completely.

Step 6. Turn the keyboard upside down and tap it gently

dirty keyboard

Clean the rest of the keyboard while the keycaps are drying. With the keys removed, you should have better access to the area underneath.

Clean the rest of the keyboard

Turn the keyboard upside down and tap it gently to remove loose debris and crumbs.

Step 7. Blow out loose dust

vaccum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard

You can also thoroughly blow out the keyboard with a gentle vacuum cleaner.

brush to clean the keyboard

Use a soft-bristled brush to remove the dirt from the surface.

Step 8. Wipe the keyboard with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol

cotton swab in rubbing alcohol

Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol.

keyboard dirt in cotton swab

Use it to wipe off the surfaces of the inside of the keyboard, including the sides, corners, bottom and top.

Step 9. Clean the keyboard using a flat-head screwdriver

wrapping the cloth

Wrap a lint-free cloth over your flat-head screwdriver.

dip in rubbing alcohol

Dip it in rubbing alcohol.

cleaning the keyboard

Use it to clean the sides and bottom of the keyboard.

Step 10. Reassemble the keyboard and plug it back to the computer

reassemble the keyboard

After the keycaps and keyboard are completely dry, reassemble the board and plug it back into your computer. The keys will snap back on their respective slots easily with a small amount of pressure. Test all the keys when finished to be sure they are working well.

final cleaned keyboard

Additional Tips

  • Before cleaning your keyboard, read your computer’s user manual thoroughly for any specific instructions.
  • Take a picture of the keyboard before pulling off the keycaps to make it easier for you to put them back in the right place.
  • If the long keycaps, such as the spacebar, shift and enter keys, do not come out easily, just leave them in place.
  • Do not use paper towels or tissues, as they contain wool fibers that may get stuck on the surface.
  • Avoid touching your keyboard with smudgy fingers.
  • Never put a keyboard in a dishwasher to clean it, and never submerge a keyboard in water.
  • To prevent your keyboard from getting dirty, use a keyboard cover that is designed to fit snugly over the keys.
  • When not in use, cover your keyboard with an old newspaper and plastic sheet.
  • Do not eat or drink in front of your keyboard to prevent food and liquids from falling into the cracks.

