If you have kids who just love using walls as their artistic canvas, it’s you vs. them! Little hands can make big messes!

Kids love doodling and scribbling, and of course checking out all the various colors in their big box of 152 crayons.


In fact, scribbling is an important milestone for toddlers in nurturing their artistic talents as well as other practical skills. It improves their motor skills, hand-eye coordination and gradually sets them on the path of writing and drawing.

That’s all good, but it seems a bit annoying when it’s at the cost of your walls and home décor, and it gets really hard to get crayons off the walls, right?

Fortunately, removing crayon markings from your walls is not rocket science. It’s so easy, you might just decide to let your little bundle of joy use your walls to explore their inner scribbling artist.

how to get crayons off the walls


Here are some quick and easy ways to get crayons off the walls.

Method 1: Use Toothpaste

before after toothpaste method

With its slight abrasive and gritty texture, toothpaste works like a charm to remove crayon markings from the  wall. The colorful, gel toothpastes won’t work well, so be sure to have a tube of basic white toothpaste around for cleaning projects like this one.

Things you’ll need:

things you need how to remove crayon from walls toothpaste method

  • Toothpaste (basic white toothpaste, not gel varieties) (cleaning agent)
  • Toothbrush
  • Paper towels

Step 1. Scrub away at the markings with toothpaste

scrub away at the markings with toothpaste

  • Squirt a blob of toothpaste on an old toothbrush.
  • Scrub the crayon markings with the toothpaste.
  • Keep scrubbing until the marks dissolve into the toothpaste.

Step 2. Wipe off the toothpaste

wipe off the toothpaste

  • Grab a paper towel and wipe the toothpaste off to reveal your clean wall.

how to remove crayons from walls toothpaste method final

Method 2: Use a Magic Eraser

before after magic eraser method

Using a Mr.Clean Magic Eraser is another highly effective technique for getting rid of crayon and pencil markings from a wall.


Step 1. Wet the eraser sponge

wet the eraser sponge

  • Saturate one corner of the Magic Eraser sponge with water.
  • Wring out the excess water.

Step 2. Rub the Magic Eraser over the markings

rub the magic eraser over the crayon markings

  • Rub the damp Magic Eraser over the markings until all the wax and color dissolves and comes off.

how to remove crayons from walls magic eraser method final

Method 3: Use Windex

before after windex method

While usually used to clean windows and glass, Windex is also an effective agent for cleaning crayon and pencil markings off walls.

Things you’ll need:


things you need how to remove crayon from walls windex method

  • Windex (cleaning agent)
  • An old towel or rag

Step 1. Spray Windex over the markings

spray windex over the crayon markings

  • Spray and saturate the markings with Windex cleaner.
  • Allow the cleaner to sit for 2 to 3 minutes.

You will notice some of the marking will dissolve and start streaking down the wall along with the cleaner.

Step 2. Wipe the wall clean with a rag

wipe the wall clean with a rag

  • Give the wall a wipe down with a rag to remove the crayon markings and the window cleaner.

how to remove crayons from walls windex method final

Method 4: Use Baking Soda

before after baking soda method

The mild abrasive property of baking soda helps dissolve stains and lift them off a wall easily.

Things you’ll need:

things you need how to remove crayon from walls baking soda method

  • Baking soda (cleaning agent) – 1 to 2 tablespoons
  • Water
  • Toothbrush
  • Paper towels

Step 1. Make a paste of baking soda and water

make a paste of baking soda and water

  • Put about 1 to 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl.
  • Mix in enough water to form a spreadable paste.

Step 2. Scrub off the markings with the paste

scrub off the markings with the paste

  • Using an old toothbrush, scrub the baking soda paste over the markings.
  • Wipe down the wall with a paper towel to clean off all the paste and crayon marks.

how to remove crayons from walls baking soda and water method final

Method 5: Use a Blow Dryer and Dish Soap

before after dish soap method


One of the surefire ways to clean crayon markings off of walls is to use a blow dryer and dish soap.

The hot air from the blow dryer melts the crayon wax so it can be easily cleaned off with a dish soap solution.

Things you’ll need:

things you need how to remove crayon from walls dish soap method

  • Dish soap (cleaning agent)
  • Blow dryer (to dry the crayon marks)
  • Water
  • An old towel or rag

Step 1. Dilute the dish soap with water

dilute the dish soap with water

  • Prepare a soapy solution by mixing together equal amounts of dish soap and water.

Step 2. Blow hot air on the crayon marks

blow hot air on the crayon markings

  • Blow hot air on the crayon markings until the wax begins to melt.

Step 3. Soak a rag in the soap solution and wipe off the melted wax

soak a rag in the soap solution and wipe off the melted wax

  • Soak an old rag in the dish soap solution. Wring out the excess liquid.
  • Wipe away the crayon marks.

how to remove crayons from walls dish soap method final

Method 6: Use Mayonnaise

before after mayonnaise method

Mayonnaise contains oils that work wonders to lift off the waxy crayon marks from the wall.

Things you’ll need:

things you need how to remove crayon from walls mayonnaise method

  • Mayonnaise (cleaning agent)
  • An old towel or rag

Step 1. Cover the crayon marks with mayonnaise

cover the crayon marks with mayonnaise

  • Slather mayonnaise on the wall and spread it out evenly over the crayon marks.
  • Allow it to sit for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 2. Rub and wipe off the wall with a rag

rub and wipe off the wall with a rag

  • Use an old rag and rub the mayonnaise over the crayon markings.
  • Wipe down the wall until there is no trace of crayon left.

how to remove crayons from walls mayonnaise method final

Method 7: Use Baby Wipes

before after baby wipes method

Baby wipes are slightly moist and contain a small amount of alcohol that makes cleaning crayon markings off a wall hassle-free.

However, baby wipes may not be very effective in removing dark-colored crayon marks. The effectiveness largely depends on the amount of elbow grease you put in to remove the stains.

Single-Step Method: Clean the wall with baby wipes

clean the wall with baby wipes

  • Simply grab a baby wipe and wipe the crayon marks off the wall.
  • Use elbow grease and fresh wipes as needed.

how to remove crayons from walls baby wipes method final

Method 8: Use Bread

before after bread method

Using moist bread is another less-than-perfect but effective technique to remove crayon marks from walls. It may take a while, but eventually the marks should start to disappear.

Step 1. Moisten the bread with water

moisten the bread with water

  • Pour a small amount of water on a slice of bread.

Step 2. Rub the crayon marks with the moist bread

rub the crayon marks with the moist bread

  • Use the moistened bread to rub the marks off the wall.
  • Keep rubbing until you achieve satisfactory results.

how to remove crayons from walls bread method final

Method 9: Use Vinegar

before after vinegar method

Vinegar is another popular technique for cleaning things up in your house including crayon markings from a wall. It contains acetic acid that breaks up the wax and pigment components in the crayon marks.

Things you’ll need:

things you need how to remove crayon from walls vinegar method

  • Vinegar (cleaning agent)
  • Water
  • Toothbrush
  • Paper towels

Step 1. Dilute vinegar with water to make a cleaning solution

dilute vinegar with water to make a cleaning solution

  • Make a solution with equal amounts of vinegar and water.

Step 2. Dip a toothbrush in the vinegar solution and scrub the marks

dip a toothbrush in the vinegar solution and scrub the crayon marks

  • Dip an old toothbrush in the diluted vinegar solution.
  • Rub it on the marks to remove the stains.
  • Keep scrubbing until all the pigment comes off the wall.

Step 3. Wipe down the wall with paper towels

wipe down the wall with paper towel

  • Wipe down the wall with paper towels to remove the residue.

how to remove crayons from walls vinegar method final

Summary of How to Get Crayons Off the Walls

how to get crayons off the walls feat image

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