Every home wizard out there is surely aware of the common laundry booster – borax.
Also known as sodium borate, borax is a naturally occurring mineral that has been a trustworthy household staple for more than 100 years. However, the use of this mighty salt of boron need not be limited to the laundry room.
Composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water, borax serves well as a safe and effective all-purpose cleaner at a fraction of the cost of those upmarket commercial products.
To help you avoid unnecessary use of harsh chemicals in your home, we’ve compiled a list of 20 frugal ways to use borax for cleaning. You can also check out more ways that borax can be used around your house.
For now, read on to learn how easy it is to use borax for cleaning, laundry, stain removal, and more.
- Method 1: Clean the Oven-Toaster Grill (OTG)
- Method 2: DIY Dishwasher Cubes
- Method 3: Clean the Sink
- Method 4: Clean Delicate Dishware (Porcelain and China)
- Method 5: All-Purpose Cleaner
- Method 1: Laundry Booster
- Method 2: Stain Remover
- Method 3: Soften Hard Water
- Method 4: DIY Detergent
- Method 5: Brighten Whites
- Method 1: Clean a White Sink
- Method 2: Clean a Toilet
- Method 3: Remove Mold and Mildew
- Method 4: Unclog a Drain or Toilet
- Method 1: DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes
- Method 2: Clean and Remove Odors from Carpet
- Method 3: Garbage Bin Deodorizer
- Method 4: Floor Cleaner
- Method 5: Wall Cleaner
- Method 6: Comb and Brush Cleaner
- Tips
Method 1: Clean the Oven-Toaster Grill (OTG)
For those who love their oven-toaster grill (OTG), this versatile appliance rarely gets a break from use. But all that cooking can leave food particles and oil sticking to the walls of the oven, and it eventually turns downright grimy and gunky.
A combination of borax, baking soda, and liquid dish soap will help clean your toaster oven effortlessly.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (removes stains) – 2 teaspoons
- Liquid dish soap (cleaning agent) – 2 tablespoons
- Baking soda (abrasive agent) – ½ cup
- Warm water – 2 cups
Step 1. Add borax, dish soap and baking soda to water
- Pour 2 cups of warm water into a container.
- Add 2 teaspoons of borax to the water.
- Add 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap.
- Finally, add ½ cup of baking soda to the mix.
Step 2. Mix well, pour it into a spray bottle & use
- Stir it well to dissolve all the ingredients in the water.
- Using a funnel, pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the insides of your OTG. Make sure that you saturate the hard stains well.
- Allow the solution to work on the stains for 30 minutes.
- Use a kitchen sponge to scrub off the loosened stains, then wipe it dry with a clean kitchen towel.
Method 2: DIY Dishwasher Cubes
You can make your own dishwasher soap cubes using borax along with simple and nontoxic ingredients. This recipe will also take care of hard water stains that can be difficult to get rid of. In fact, this is one of the best ways to use borax for cleaning.
Things you’ll need:
- Washing soda (removes grease stains) – 1 cup
- Borax (cleaning agent) – 1 cup
- Epsom salt (removes hard water stains) – ¼ cup
- White vinegar (deodorizer) – ¼ cup
- Lemongrass essential oil (antibacterial, pleasant fragrance) – 8 to 10 drops
- Food coloring – 3 or 4 drops (optional)
Step 1. Combine the three dry ingredients
- Put 1 cup of washing soda in a mixing bowl.
- Add 1 cup of borax and ¼ cup of Epsom salt to it.
Step 2. Add vinegar, essential oil and food coloring
- Add ¼ cup of white vinegar to the dry ingredients.
- Add 8 to 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil.
- Optionally, you can add 3 or 4 drops of food coloring as well.
Step 3. Mix & transfer the paste to an ice cube tray; let the cubes set
- Stir the ingredients thoroughly to get a uniform mix.
- Fill an ice cube tray with the mixture. Press the mixture down with your fingers to pack it tightly into each slot of the tray.
- Let it sit for at least 24 hours in a dry and sunny space.
Step 4. Store the cubes in an airtight container & use 1 per load
- Gently remove the cubes from the tray.
- Store the dishwasher cubes in an airtight jar.
- Use 1 cube for each load of dishes.
Method 3: Clean the Sink
It is important to clean your sink regularly to prevent food stains from setting in and also to stop any bacterial growth. A simple mix of borax, baking soda, table salt and washing soda will take care of both. This recipe works equally well for cleaning porcelain sinks and stainless steel ones as well.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (mild bleaching agent) – 2 teaspoons
- Table salt (abrasive agent) – 2 tablespoons
- Baking soda (deodorizer and disinfectant) – 2 tablespoons
- Washing soda (cleaning agent) – 2 tablespoons
Step 1. Combine all the ingredients
- Put 2 tablespoons each of baking soda, table salt and washing soda in a mixing bowl.
- Add 2 teaspoons of borax.
Step 2. Mix well & store the cleaner in an airtight jar
- Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
- Spoon the mixture into an airtight container.
- Empty the sink you want to clean and sprinkle a small amount of the cleaner all over the sink.
- Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then scrub the surface with a kitchen sponge.
- Thoroughly rinse the sink with water.
Method 4: Clean Delicate Dishware (Porcelain and China)
If you’ve managed to stain your prized porcelain or china dishware, don’t fret. Soaking the dish in a borax solution will take away the stains in a jiffy. This hack will also make your old china shine as bright as new.
Step 1. Soak the stained dish in a borax solution
- Put ¼ cup of borax in a large bowl.
- Fill the bowl 3/4th of the way with water.
- Stir well to dissolve the borax.
- Put the stained dish in the solution and let it soak for 30 minutes.
Step 2. Rinse the dish with plain water & let it air-dry
- Retrieve the dish from the borax solution and rinse it with plain water. Do not scrub chinaware or porcelain, as it could erode its delicate surface and dull its shine.
- Allow the dish to air-dry completely before you use it or store it away safely.
Method 5: All-Purpose Cleaner
If any part of your kitchen needs some extra cleaning, prepare a solution of borax and warm water. The cleaner is safe to use on kitchen countertops and cabinets made of any material and will easily get rid of all kinds of stains.
Single-Step Method: Prepare a solution of borax and water & use as a cleaner
- Add 2 tablespoons of borax to 2 cups of hot water.
- Mix the two well and transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
- Use the solution like your regular cleaner to clean your kitchen countertops and cabinets.
Method 1: Laundry Booster
Does your laundry appear dull and dirty even after a thorough cleaning? You can use borax the old-school way to boost the cleaning power of your laundry detergent. It will also help soften hard water, deodorize your clothes, and keep your fabrics soft.
Single-Step Method: Prepare a borax solution & add it to the wash cycle
- Add 1 tablespoon of borax to 2 cups of hot water.
- Stir well and store the solution in an airtight container until needed.
- Add the solution to your laundry and run a complete wash cycle.
Your clothes and linens will feel much softer and brighter after just one wash.
Method 2: Stain Remover
Borax can also be used as a presoak for treating stains. It acts as a mild bleaching agent and can easily remove tough stains from clothes and linens.
Single-Step Method: Presoak tough stains in a borax solution
- Prepare a solution using 1 tablespoon of borax for every 1 gallon of water.
- Soak the stained clothing or linen in the solution for 30 minutes.
- Rinse it with water and launder it as usual.
Method 3: Soften Hard Water
Hard water not only ruins your clothes but also hampers the functioning of your appliances. A quick fix to this problem is adding borax to your laundry load. Borax helps balance out the pH level of the water, thus making it safer to wash your delicate fabrics.
Single-Step Method: Add borax to your laundry load
- Add ½ cup of borax to each laundry load and run a normal wash cycle.
- You can use your discretion and increase the quantity to ¾ cup if your washing machine has a higher capacity and if the quality of water is really poor.
Method 4: DIY Detergent
Looking for your next DIY project? Try your hand at this easy-peasy recipe for DIY detergent and save up the money you would otherwise spend on expensive laundry products.
Things you’ll need:
- Castile bar soap, shredded (cleaning agent) – 1 cup
- Baking soda (stain remover and deodorizer) – ½ cup
- Borax (laundry booster) – ¼ cup
- Epsom salt (water softener, keeps fabric colorfast) – ¼ cup
Step 1. Combine all the ingredients
- Put 1 cup of shredded Castile bar soap in a mixing bowl.
- Add ¼ cup of borax to it.
- Add ½ cup of baking soda as well.
- Finally, add ¼ cup of Epsom salt.
Step 2. Mix well & store it in an airtight jar
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly using a spoon.
- Transfer the DIY detergent mix into an airtight jar and use as needed.
Use 1 tablespoon of the DIY laundry detergent for front-loaders and 2 tablespoons for top-loaders.
Method 5: Brighten Whites
White fabrics can easily turn dingy with regular washes. Once in a while, they need some extra TLC. Borax along with other cleaning agents can help brighten your white clothes and linens.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (bleaching agent and boosts laundry) – 1 tablespoon
- Liquid dish soap (gentle cleaning agent) – 2 tablespoons
- Laundry detergent (stain remover) – 2 tablespoons
- Bleaching powder (whitening agent) – 2 tablespoons
Step 1. Combine all the ingredients
- Put 1 tablespoon of borax in a bowl.
- Add 2 tablespoons each of laundry detergent, bleaching powder and liquid dish soap to it.
Step 2. Mix well & store it in an airtight container
- Blend all the ingredients well.
- Spoon the mix into an airtight jar for storage.
- Fill up your washing machine with hot water. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of the mix to the water.
- Let the whites soak in the solution for 10 to 15 minutes, then let the washer agitate for 5 to 6 minutes.
- Follow up with 2 rinse cycles.
Retrieve the clothes and hang them up to air-dry.
Method 1: Clean a White Sink
Borax can also come handy to keep your sink a pristine white. It acts as mild bleach on the stains. The vinegar and dish soap used in this hack help cut through the gunk, and disinfect and deodorize the area as well.
Things you’ll need:
- Liquid dish soap (cleans stains) – ¼ teaspoon
- Borax ( bleaching agent) – ¼ tablespoon
- White vinegar (disinfects and deodorizes) – ½ cup
Step 1. Combine vinegar, borax and dish soap
- Pour ½ cup of white vinegar into a container.
- Add ¼ teaspoon of borax to it.
- Add ¼ teaspoon of liquid dish soap as well.
Step 2. Mix well, store it in a spray bottle & use
- Blend all the ingredients well.
- Transfer the solution to a small spray bottle for ease of use.
- Generously spray the solution over the entire sink.
- Let it sit for 30 minutes.
- Scrub the sink with a brush or sponge, then rinse it with water.
Use it once a week to keep your sink sparkling white.
Method 2: Clean a Toilet
Similar to porcelain sinks, borax can also be used to clean your toilet. It will help cut through the grime and also make the pot whiter, due to its bleaching properties.
Single-Step Method: Leave borax in the toilet overnight
- Put 1 cup of borax in the toilet pot and leave it in overnight.
- The next morning, scrub the pot with a toilet brush and flush it to rinse it out. All the stains should be completely gone.
Method 3: Remove Mold and Mildew
The moist environment of your bathroom is the perfect place for mold and mildew to grow and flourish. However, it is not in the best interest of your health, and you need to get rid of it as soon as you spot the growth.
A simple mix of borax and bleach, diluted in water, will help kill the fungal growth safely.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (disinfectant) – 1 tablespoon
- Liquid chlorine bleach (disinfectant) – ¼ cup
- Water – 1½ cups
Single-Step Method: Mix bleach and borax in water & spray it on the fungal growth
- Pour 1½ cups of water into a spray bottle.
- Add ¼ cup of liquid chlorine bleach and 1 tablespoon of borax to it.
- Put the nozzle on securely and shake the bottle to blend all the ingredients.
- Spray the solution on the infested area and let it sit for 30 minutes.
- Use an old brush or scrubber to remove the mold or mildew, then rinse the area with water.
Method 4: Unclog a Drain or Toilet
Unclogging a drain or toilet is now easier than ever. All you need is a cup of borax. The borax breaks through the clogged material and a jet of hot water helps flush away the gunk.
Single-Step Method: Put borax and hot water in a clogged drain or toilet
- Put ½ cup of borax into a clogged drain. Use 1 cup for a clogged toilet.
- Pour 3 to 4 cups of boiling hot water in the drain.
- Let it sit for 15 minutes, then run the tap water or flush the toilet to push out the loosened material and clear the pipes.
Method 1: DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes
Cleaning wipes come in really handy if are prone to spilling stuff. You can use borax along with rubbing alcohol and baking soda to make cost-effective, all-purpose cleaning wipes.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (stain remover) – ¼ teaspoon
- Baking soda (deodorizer, abrasive agent) – ½ teaspoon
- Reusable wipes – 5 or 6
- Water – ¾ cup
- Rubbing alcohol (stain remover, disinfectant) – 1½ tablespoons
- Lavender essential oil (adds fragrance) – 3 or 4 drops
Step 1. Prepare the cleaning solution
- Pour ¾ cup of water into a glass measuring cup or bowl.
- Add ¼ teaspoon of borax and ½ teaspoon of baking soda to it.
- Pour in 1½ tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.
- Optionally, add 3 or 4 drops of lavender essential oil. You can use any other essential oil of your choice.
Step 2. Stir well & pour the solution over the cleaning wipes
- Stir well to mix all the ingredients.
- Place the reusable wipes in a plastic container.
- Pour the prepared cleaning solution over the wipes and allow them to soak up the liquid.
- Put the lid on the container to ensure the wipes don’t dry out.
When you’ve spilled something, simply take out one wipe and use it to clean up the spill. Once all the wipes are used, wash them thoroughly and soak them again in a fresh solution.
Method 2: Clean and Remove Odors from Carpet
Carpet stains can be tricky to clean, as you do not want to ruin the fabric or end up with a color bleed. This is where borax will help. It helps cut through nasty stains without being harsh on the carpet fibers and also deodorizes the area.
Single-Step Method: Mix borax in water & use it to clean the stains
- Add ¼ cup of borax to 1 cup of warm water.
- Stir well until the borax dissolves completely.
- Transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the carpet stain. Spray just enough solution to reactivate the stain without drenching the carpet.
- Let it sit for 30 minutes, then blot the stain with a paper towel or a clean cloth to absorb any excess solution.
- Let the carpet air-dry.
- Repeat the process if necessary. When you’re satisfied with the result, finish by vacuuming the area.
Method 3: Garbage Bin Deodorizer
Garbage bins can absorb all the funky smells of food scraps and leftovers. Sometimes, even several washes can fail to remove the smell completely. Borax works as an excellent deodorizer and will soak up all the musty smells from your garbage bin.
Single-Step Method: Wash the bin with borax to deodorize it
- Empty the garbage bin and pour 2 to 3 cups of hot water into it.
- Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of borax to it.
- Agitate the bin once and let the solution sit in it for 15 minutes.
- Rinse it with water, and wipe it dry using paper towels.
- Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of borax at the bottom of the bin to keep it smelling fresh at all times.
Method 4: Floor Cleaner
Ditch your regular chemical-based floor cleaner and make an affordable, non-toxic cleaner using borax and white vinegar. This recipe is good enough to disinfect the floors of your rooms as well your bathrooms.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (stain remover and deodorizer) – 1 tablespoon
- White vinegar (disinfectant) – 3¼ tablespoons
- Hot water – 1 cup
- Sandalwood essential oil (adds fragrance) – 2 or 3 drops (optional)
Step 1. Add the ingredients to hot water
- Pour 1 cup of hot water into a container.
- Add 3¼ tablespoons of white vinegar to it.
- Add 1 tablespoon of borax as well.
- Optionally, you can add 2 or 3 drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance. We used sandalwood oil here.
Step 2. Mix well & store the solution in a spray bottle
- Stir the solution well and pour it into a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the floor.
- Let it sit for 1 to 2 minutes, then wipe the floor clean with a mop.
Method 5: Wall Cleaner
If you have kids in your home, you may also have samples of your child’s drawings on your walls. Getting a paint job every time a wall is ruined is not feasible. So, keep this DIY wall cleaner handy.
Borax along with baking soda can remove crayon and pencil marks from the walls without ruining the paint. This cleaner can also be used to remove wine or food spills on walls.
Things you’ll need:
- Baking soda (abrasive agent) – 1 teaspoon
- Borax (stain remover) – ½ teaspoon
- Hot water – ½ cup
Step 1. Mix borax in hot water
- Put ½ teaspoon of borax in a bowl.
- Add ½ cup of hot water to it.
- Stir well until the borax dissolves completely.
Step 2. Mix in the baking soda & store the solution in a spray bottle
- Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and stir again.
- Once the baking soda is dissolved, transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the markings on the wall.
- Leave it for 1 minute, then scrub it lightly with a sponge.
- Wipe the area clean with a dry cloth.
Method 6: Comb and Brush Cleaner
Cleaning combs and hair brushes is one small task that we often procrastinate. But it is important to give them a thorough cleaning once in a while to maintain hygiene and scalp health.
You can use borax and dish soap to de-gunk your combs and brushes weekly.
Things you’ll need:
- Borax (disinfectant) – 2 tablespoons
- Liquid dish soap (cleaning agent) – 1 teaspoon
- Warm water – 2 to 3 cups
Step 1. Prepare the cleaning solution
- Pour 2 to 3 cups of warm water into a large bowl.
- Add 2 tablespoons of borax to it.
- Squirt in about 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap.
- Stir well to dissolve the ingredients in the water.
Step 2. Soak the combs in the borax bath; scrub well and rinse
- Remove all the hair from the comb before you soak it in the solution.
- Drop the dirty comb in the cleaning bath and let it soak for 30 to 45 minutes.
- Use an old toothbrush to scrub the teeth of the comb clean.
- Rinse it with water and let the comb air-dry.
- Follow the same process for your hair brushes.
- Always wear gloves when cleaning or scrubbing any area. This will prevent you from coming in contact with germs.
- Keep the borax out of the reach of children. It can be toxic when ingested in large quantities.
- You can also use borax as an insecticide in your garden. Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar with ½ a tablespoon of borax and sprinkle it in the planting beds.