Waking up to a green tea latte sounds like a healthy choice. Right?

A rejuvenating, healthy and nutritious latte that complements your diet regime. However, latte and health are just the opposites! Loaded with calories, lattes don’t seem to be healthy!


But here is some good news for you. You can make matcha green tea latte as a healthy alternative to your regular latte. Just one tall green tea latte with less milk and less sugar, yet fulfills your craving for a delicious latte!

matcha green tea for vegans

Made with authentic matcha green tea powder, these 2 quick recipes to make matcha green tea latte will leave you feeling ready and raring to go.

Method 1: Matcha Green Tea Latte for Vegans

Here is how you can make the most delicious soy milk matcha tea latte that is loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats and is completely dairy-free!


Things you’ll need:

things you will need to make matcha green tea latte for vegans

  • Soy milk – 1 cup
  • Matcha green tea powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Maple syrup – 1 teaspoon
  • Water

Step 1. Sift 1 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder

sift matcha green tea powder

  • Put 1 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder into a sifter and sift.

Step 2. Add water to the matcha and whisk

add water to matcha green tea and whisk

  • Add just enough water to the matcha powder to form a paste.
  • Whisk it well, making sure that there are no lumps in the mixture. You can use an electric whisk for best results.
  • Do this for 2 to 3 minutes until you observe foam appearing in the mixture.

Step 3. Add maple syrup and blend well

add maple syrup to matcha green tea and blend

  • Add 1 teaspoon of maple syrup to the matcha mixture.
  • Whisk again for 2 minutes, so that the sweetener blends well into the liquid.

Step 4. Whisk the milk well to give rise to froth

whisk soy milk to give rise to froth

  • Grab your cup of soy milk and whisk for 4 to 5 minutes until it acquires a foamy texture.

Step 5. Combine the liquids and enjoy

combine soy milk and matcha green tea

  • Pour the matcha green tea mixture into a glass.
  • Add the frothy milk to the matcha mixture.

Your dairy-free matcha green tea latte is ready!

matcha green tea for vegans

Method 2: Matcha Green Tea Latte for Non-Vegans

Things you’ll need:


things you will need to make matcha green tea latte for nonvegans

  • Full-cream milk – 1 cup
  • Matcha green tea powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla essence – 1 teaspoon
  • Water

Step 1. Prepare the matcha for your latte

add water to matcha green tea

  • Start with 1 teaspoon of sifted matcha green tea powder in a bowl.
  • Add a small amount of hot water to the green tea powder, just enough to form a paste.
  • Whisk them together so that the ingredients combine well, making sure there are no lumps in the mixture.

Step 2. Assemble all the other ingredients and whisk

add sugar and vanila to milk

  • Pour 1 cup of full-cream milk into a jar or glass measuring cup.
  • Blend in 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.
  • Whisk the mixture so that the ingredients blend well into each other.

Step 3. Add the matcha tea mixture to the milk and whisk

add matcha green tea mix to the milk

  • Add the prepared matcha green tea solution to the milk.
  • Whisk the ingredients well together.

Step 4. Throw some ice cubes into a jar, pour your latte and enjoy

add ice cubes to your matcha green tea

  • Throw some ice cubes into a Mason jar or glass and pour in your latte mixture.

Enjoy your chilled iced matcha green tea latte.


matcha green tea latte for non vegans


  • You can enjoy both versions of the matcha latte – hot and cold! For a colder version, chill and throw in ice cubes. For a hot version, just use hot milk and water for the mixing and blending processes.
  • Matcha is extremely sensitive to light and heat. Always store it in foil or in a dark and airtight container. For those of you who do not drink it daily, you can also opt for storing matcha in the fridge or freezer.
  • If you have a milk frother at home, feel free to use it for a lighter and creamier matcha latte.
  • For a vegan version, you can also use coconut milk or almond milk, depending upon your taste and preference.